Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fundraising negativity

I sent out a dozen fundraising emails this past weekend - and didn't get a single reply. To be honest, I am beginning to panic about the chances of raising $2300. I'm thrilled with the $95 I've raised so far, but it's not nearly enough!

So few of my friends have money - and those that do are donating to their own charity.

I certainly don't have the money needed to host a block party or the connections to plan a silent auction. I sold some jackets on ebay and won a whopping $3 (better than nothing!). I have 8 friends in Kansas City and only two know that I am doing this for Kevin's mother - and it doesn't feel right to use her situation as the catalyst to get people to donate. My family isn't one to beg each other for fundraising efforts - unless cookies or wrapping paper is involved. Should I sell candy on the street corner?

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