Sunday, March 28, 2010

Working it in

While school kept me off the treadmill most of the week (I usually go between classes, but had a lot of work to do the past few days), and I wasn't able to get the recommended 5 and 7-mile walks in this past week.

However, things are warming up outside and a couple of times I managed to get in a neighborhood walk!

First, on Tuesday, I REALLY wanted a McDonald's ice cream cone. McDonald's is less than a block away and my rule is that I have to walk if I want a cone. However, instead of turning right and heading straight to the golden arches, I turned left and went the "long" way - a mile out of my way to be exact! It felt great to move my muscles after a few days off and made that cone pretty darn tasty!

Friday night is date night for me and the boyfriend - especially on pay Fridays like this was. So, when he asked where I wanted to go, I suggested we walk to the nearby restaurants and decide when we got there. The restaurants, a walk we hadn't before tried, turned out to be a mile and a half away. I got in three miles without even realizing it!

I am so excited for Spring! Now, I am not tied to my school schedule for my training walks. As the days get longer, I have more time to come home and hit the street!

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